Channel: Hood County News Classifieds: Public Notices
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to all interested persons within Montague, Hood, Parker, and Wise Counties, Texas: That the Board of Directors of the Upper Trinity Groundwater Conservation District ("UTGCD") will hold a special-called public meeting to adopt the desired future conditions ("DFCs") for the Trinity Aquifer Group underlying Hood, Montague, Parker and Wise Counties, in accordance with Section 36.108(d-4) of the Texas Water Code. The UTGCD is one of eleven groundwater conservation districts located wholly or partially within Groundwater Management Area 8 ("GMA 8"); the other districts in GMA 8 include Central Texas Groundwater Conservation District, Clearwater Underground Water Conservation District, Middle Trinity Groundwater Conservation District, North Texas Groundwater Conservation District, Northern Trinity Groundwater Conservation District, Post Oak Savannah Groundwater Conservation District, Prairielands Groundwater Conservation District, Red River Groundwater Conservation District, Saratoga Underground Water Conservation District and Southern Trinity Groundwater Conservation District. At a GMA 8 joint planning meeting held on January 31, 2017, the district representatives voted to adopt DFCs for the groundwater resources in GMA 8. The district representatives of GMA 8 adopted DFCs for each of the aquifers comprising the Trinity Aquifer Group and the Woodbine Aquifer, including the Woodbine, Paluxy, Glen Rose, Twin Mountain, Travis Peak, Hensell, Hosston, and Antlers aquifers. The DFCs for each of the aquifers were adopted on the following scales, which do not differ substantively in their application: (1) by aquifer for the entire GMA 8; (2) by aquifer for each groundwater conservation district in GMA 8, as applicable; and (3) by aquifer for each county in GMA 8, as applicable. The DFCs for the aquifers comprising the Trinity Aquifer Group and the Woodbine Aquifer in GMA 8 are based on total average feet of drawdown over the course of the planning period (January 1, 2010, through December 31, 2070). The relevant DFCs for the aquifers on an aquifer-wide scale include the following: * In the Antlers, total net drawdown not to exceed an average of 177 feet in 2070 compared with 2010 aquifer levels. * In the Paluxy, total net drawdown not to exceed an average of 144 feet in 2070 compared with 2010 aquifer levels. * In the Glen Rose, total net drawdown not to exceed an average of 116 feet in 2070 compared with 2010 aquifer levels. * In the Twin Mountain, total net drawdown not to exceed an average of 313 compared with 2010 aquifer levels. The relevant DFCs for the aquifers on a groundwater conservation district scale for the UTGCD include the following: * In the Antlers, total net drawdown not to exceed an average of 24 feet in 2070 in the Outcrop and 142 feet in 2070 in the Downdip compared with 2010 aquifer levels. * In the Paluxy, total net drawdown not to exceed an average of 5 feet in 2070 in the Outcrop and 1 foot in 2070 in the Downdip compared with 2010 aquifer levels. * In the Glen Rose, total net drawdown not to exceed an average of 8 feet in 2070 in the Outcrop and 28 feet in 2070 in the Downdip compared with 2010 aquifer levels. * In the Twin Mountain, total net drawdown not to exceed an average of 3 feet in 2070 in the Outcrop and 46 feet in 2070 in the Downdip compared with 2010 aquifer levels. The relevant DFCs for the aquifers on a county scale for Hood County include the following: * In the Paluxy, total net drawdown not to exceed an average of 5 feet in 2070 in the Outcrop compared with 2010 aquifer levels. * In the Glen Rose, total net drawdown not to exceed an average of 7 feet in 2070 in the Outcrop and 28 feet in 2070 in the Downdip compared with 2010 aquifer levels. * In the Twin Mountain, total net drawdown not to exceed an average of 4 feet in 2070 in the Outcrop and 46 feet in 2070 in the Downdip compared with 2010 aquifer levels. The relevant DFCs for the aquifers on a county scale for Montague County include the following: * In the Antlers, total net drawdown not to exceed an average of 18 feet in 2070 in the Outcrop compared with 2010 aquifer levels. The relevant DFCs for the aquifers on a county scale for Parker County include the following: * In the Antlers, total net drawdown not to exceed an average of 11 feet in 2070 in the Outcrop compared with 2010 aquifer levels. * In the Paluxy, total net drawdown not to exceed an average of 5 feet in 2070 in the Outcrop and 1 foot in 2070 in the Downdip compared with 2010 aquifer levels. * In the Glen Rose, total net drawdown not to exceed an average of 10 feet in 2070 in the Outcrop and 28 feet in 2070 in the Downdip compared with 2010 aquifer levels. * In the Twin Mountain, total net drawdown not to exceed an average of 1 feet in 2070 in the Outcrop and 46 feet in 2070 in the Downdip compared with 2010 aquifer levels. The relevant DFCs for the aquifers on a county scale for Wise County include the following: * In the Antlers, total net drawdown not to exceed an average of 34 feet in 2070 in the Outcrop and 142 feet in 2070 in the Downdip compared with 2010 aquifer levels. This meeting will be held on December 18, 2017, beginning at 4:45 p.m., at the UTGCD office located at 1250 E. Highway 199, Springtown, Texas 76082. Besides accepting public comment and discussing and adopting the DFCs, no other substantive agenda items will be included at this special-called board meeting. The UTGCD board may have other hearings and board meetings posted for this same date, each with their own notice and agenda. Any person who desires to appear at the meeting and present comment or other information on the adoption of the DFCs may do so in person, by legal representative, or both. Limits may be placed on the amount of time that each person is allowed to present verbal comments, but written comments may also be submitted. Those wishing to provide advance written comment on the adoption of the DFCs may do so prior to the meeting date by regular mail services addressed to Doug Shaw, UTGCD General Manager at 1250 E. Highway 199, Springtown, Texas 76082, or by facsimile at (817) 523-7687. The meeting posted in this notice may be recessed from day to day or continued where appropriate. This public meeting is available to all persons regardless of disability. If you require special assistance to attend the meeting, please contact the UTGCD at (817) 523-5200 at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. A copy of the DFC resolution and explanatory report issued by GMA 8 that describe the DFCs (1) may be requested by email at doug@uppertrinitygcd.com or (2) may be reviewed, inspected, or obtained in person at the UTGCD office at 1250 E. Highway 199, Springtown, Texas 76082. All questions or requests for additional information regarding the DFCs may be submitted to UTGCD General Manager, Doug Shaw. Please contact Mr. Shaw by telephone at (817) 523-5200 or by visiting the UTGCD office located at 1250 E. Highway 199, Springtown, Texas 76082.

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