Channel: Hood County News Classifieds: Public Notices
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ALLIED FIRST BANK, SB D/B/A SERVBANK vs. THE UNKNOWN HEIRS AT LAW OF JEFFERY BLANKENSHIP, DECEASED, IN REM ONLY, ET AL. IN THE 355TH DISTRICT COURT OF HOOD COUNTY, TEXAS TO: THE UNKNOWN HEIRS AT LAW OF JEFFREY BLANKENSHIP & GERRY BLANKENSHIP Defendant, Greeting; NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: "You have been sued. You may employ an attorney. If you or your attorney do not file a written answer with the clerk who issued this citation by 10:00 am on the Monday next following the expiration of 42 days after the date this citation was issued, a default judgment may be taken against you." You are hereby commanded to appear by filing a written answer to the Plaintiffs Petition at or before 10:00 o'clock AM. on the Monday next after the expiration of 42 days after the date of the issuance of this citation the same being Monday the 4TH day of SEPTEMBER 2023 before the Honorable Ralph H. Walton, Jr., 355th Judicial District Court of Hood County, Texas, at the Hood County Justice Center of said County in Granbury, Texas. Said Plaintiffs Petition was filed in said court, on the 18TH day of MAY, 2023 in the above entitled cause. A brief statement of the nature of this suit is as follows, to wit: "Plaintiff is seeking a judicial declaration that, as recourse for default under that one certain voluntary security instrument, it may proceed in accordance with the terms of such security instrument and the Texas Property Code with the nonjudicial foreclosure of that certain property, to wit: Legal Description: LOT 1060 OF BLUE WATER SHORES, A SUBDIVISION IN HOOD COUNTY TEXAS, ACCORING TO PLAT RECORDED IN SLIDE A-238-B, PLAT RECORDS, HOOD COUNTY, TEXAS. THE ORIGINAL PETITION IS A SUIT FOR CIVIL, (REAL PROPERTY), as is more fully shown by Plaintiffs Petition on file in this suit, the nature of which suit is PLAINTIFF'S ORIGINAL PETITION on LOT 1060 OF BLUE WATER SHORES, A SUBDIVISION IN HOOD COUNTY TEXAS, ACCORING TO PLAT RECORDED IN SLIDE A-238-B, PLAT RECORDS, HOOD COUNTY, TEXAS and alternatively for declaratory relief concerning such property. Issued and given under my hand and the seal of said Court, at office in Granbury, Texas, this the 17 day of JULY 2023. WITNESS: TONNA L NEWMAN CLERK OF THE 355TH DISTRICT COURTS OF HOOD COUNTY, TEXAS BY Regina Williams, Deputy

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