The Hood County News, Publication Number 2495-20, Statement of Ownership, Management and Circulation is filed September 24, 2016.
The Hood County News is published Wednesday and Saturday, 104 issues annually, with an in-county annual subscription price of $45.00.
The mailing address of the Hood County News, its headquarters of the general business office, Publisher Jerry Tidwell, Managing Editor Derek Tidwell, and Editor Roger Enlow is PO Box 879, Granbury, Hood County, TX 76048-0879.
The Hood County News is owned by Jerry Tidwell, PO Box 879, Granbury, TX 76048; Larry Crabtree, 11909 Glenbrook St, Denton, TX 76207; Roberts Publishing, 394 NE 1250, Andrews, TX 79714; Robert Buckel, 1255 Jackson Trail, Azle, TX 76020; and Barbara Buckel, 6213 Kenosha Dr., Lubbock, TX 79413.
There are no bondholders, mortgagees or other security holders owning one per cent or more of the total amount of bonds, mortgages or other security holders owning or holding one percent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages or other securities:
Issue date for circulation data for the Hood County News is Sept. 17, 2016.
The average number of copies each issue of the proceeding 12 months were:
A. Total number of copies: 7,700
B1. Paid outside-county subscriptions: 273
B2. Paid in-county subscriptions: 905
B3. Sales through dealers and carriers, street vendors, counters sales: 6,051
B4. Other classes mailed through the USPS: 0
C. Total paid: 7,229
D1. Free distribution by mail outside-county: 0
D2. Free distribution by mail in-county: 0
D3. Free distribution by mail other classes mailed: 0
D4. Free distribution outside the mail: 0
E. Total free distribution: 0
F. Total distribution: 7,229
G. Copies not distributed: 471
H. Total: 7,700
I. Percent paid: 100%
Number copies of single issue published nearest to filing date were:
A. Total number of copies: 7,100
B. B1. Paid outside-county subscriptions: 247
B2. Paid in-county subscriptions: 638
B3. Sales through dealers and carriers, street vendors, counters sales: 5,758
B4. Other classes mailed through the USPS: 0
C. Total paid: 6,643
D1. Free distribution by mail outside-county: 0
D2. Free distribution by mail in-county: 0
D3. Free distribution by mail other classes mailed: 0
D4. Free distribution outside the mail: 0
E. Total free distribution: 0
F. Total distribution: 6,643
G. Copies not distributed: 457
H. Total: 7,100
I. Percent paid: 100%
PS Form 3526 Worksheet
The average number of copies each issue of the proceeding 12 months were:
A. Paid Electronic copies: 115
B. Total paid print copies: 7,229
C. Total print distribution: 7,344
D. Percent paid: 100%
Number copies of single issue published nearest to filing date were:
A. Paid Electronic copies: 118
B. Total paid print copies: 6,643
C. Total print distribution: 6,761
D. Percent paid: 100%
I certify that 50% of all my distributed copies (Electronic and Print) are paid above a nominal price.
I certify that all information furnished on this form is true and complete.
By: Jerry Tidwell, Publisher
Date: Sept. 24, 2016