The Cresson Crossroads M.U.D. No. 2 is soliciting sealed bids for the following project:
New 500,000 GPD
Wastewater Treatment Plant
Bids must be received in the Childress Engineers office by 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 1, 2022, at which time a public opening of bids will take place. Late bids will not be accepted.
Bid information may be obtained from Childress Engineers, at 211 N. Ridgeway Dr., Cleburne, Texas or by telephoning 817-645-1118.
Bid documents may be obtained for the plan purchase cost of $50.00 per set for each individual project at Childress Engineers, 211 N. Ridgeway Dr., Cleburne, Texas.
No refunds will be made.