Place and Time of Bid Opening: SAMCO Capital Markets, Inc., San Antonio, Texas, financial advisors (the Financial Advisors) to the Acton Municipal Utility District (the District) will publicly open and review the bids for the purchase of the Bonds at the Financial Advisors' offices, located at 1020 NE Loop 410, Suite 640, San Antonio, Texas, 78209, at 11:00 a.m., Central Time on Wednesday, September 15, 2021.
Address of Bids: Interested bidders may, at their option and risk, submit their bid by electronic media, as described in the "Official Notice of Sale", by 10:00 a.m., Central Time on Wednesday, September 15, 2021. A prospective bidder must submit its electronic bid via the facilities of PARITY. Bids received after the scheduled time for their receipt will not be accepted. Any bid received after the bid opening will not be accepted.
Information: The Bonds are more completely described in the "Official Notice of Sale" and the "Preliminary Official Statement" which may be obtained from SAMCO Capital Markets, Inc., 1020 NE Loop 410, Suite 640, San Antonio, Texas, 78209, as Financial Advisor for the District. The District reserves the right to reject any or all bids and waive any and all irregularities, except time of filing. This notice does not constitute an offer to sell the Bonds but is merely notice of sale of the Bonds as required by Texas law. The offer to sell the Bonds will be made only by means of the "Official Notice of Sale," the "Preliminary Official Statement" and the "Official Bid Form."
Board of Directors
Acton Municipal Utility District
*Preliminary; subject to change.