Channel: Hood County News Classifieds: Public Notices
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The following Public Hearings will be considered by the PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION of the City of Granbury on Monday, October 15, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. The Public Hearings will also be considered by the GRANBURY CITY COUNCIL on Tuesday, November 6, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. All Public Hearings will be held within the Council Chambers of Granbury City Hall, 116 W. Bridge Street, Granbury, Texas. 1. SP-2018-01, Request of Norway Properties, LLC for approval of a Site Plan for a 168 unit multi-family apartment complex situated on approximately 9.42 acres of land situated in the Milam County School Land Survey, Abstract #348 and located west of the intersection of S Meadows Drive and Autumn Ridge Dr. 2. PL-2018-15, Request of Norway Properties, LLC to Final Plat Lot 1, Block 2, Meadows West Addition and a 1.2 acre tract of land to be dedicated as Autumn Ridge right-of-way. The property is located west of the intersection of S Meadows Drive and Autumn Ridge Dr. 3. PL-2018-17, Request of Hope Builders & Development, LLC to Final Plat Lots 2-4, Block 7; Lots 13-19, Block 8; Lots 6-11, Block 9; and Lots 8-18, Block 10, De Cordova Ranch Phase 3, being 18.239 acres situated in the J.A. Shipley Survey, Abstract #550, and located east of the intersection of Davis Rd. and DeCordova Ranch Rd. 4. SUP-2018-14, Request of Robert Fiester for a Specific Use Permit to allow the operation of a convenience store with gas pumps in a Light Commercial (LC) zoning district. The property is located on the northeast corner of Pirate Dr. and W Hwy. 377. 5. PL-2018-21, Request of Granbury Church of Christ for an Amended Preliminary Plat on a 14.653 acre tract of the Milam County School Land Survey, Abstract #348 as Lots 1-4, Block 1 of the Granbury Church of Christ Addition. The property is located on the northeast corner of Pirate Dr. and W Hwy. 377. 6. CP-2018-04, Request of Don Walker to amend the Future Land Use Map contained within the 2016 Comprehensive Plan for 3.80 acres described as Lot 1, Block 1, Bridge Harbor Condominium Addition from Retail/Office to High Density Residential. The property is addressed as 1101 Whitecliff Rd. 7. Z-2018-07, Request of Don Walker to rezone Lot 1, Block 1, Bridge Harbor Condominium Addition from "PD-MF" Planned Development - Multiple Family to "PD-MF" Planned Development - Multi-Family-Age Restricted. The property is addressed as 1101 Whitecliff Rd. 8. PL-2018-22, Request of Don Walker to Replat Lot 1, Block 1 of the Bridge Harbor Condominium Addition as Lot 1R, Block 1 of the Bridge Harbor Condominium Addition. The property is addressed as 1101 Whitecliff Rd. 9. PL-2018-23, Request of John McGonagill to Final Plat a 0.6889 acre tract of the Robert Merritt Survey, Abstract #335 as Lot 4, Block 1 of the Rollins Addition. The property is located on James Rd., north of Acton Hwy. 10. PL-2018-29, Request of Mitch Breeden to Amend the previously approved Preliminary Plat for Morgan Storage Addition as Lots 1-7, Block 1 and Lots 1-7, Block 2 of the Morgan Storage Addition. The property is in the 2000 block of S Morgan St. 11. PL-2018-25, Request of Paul Martin to Replat Lots 8-10 of the Sunrise Bay Addition as Lot 8R of the Sunrise Bay Addition. The property is located on Sunrise Bay Ct. 12. PL-2018-26, Request of Jason Britt to Development Plat an 18.15 acre tract of the B. Green Survey, Abstract #197. The property is located on Old Granbury Rd., behind Durant Toyota. 13. PL-2018-30, Request of Brazos Electric Company to Development Plat a 5.001 acre tract of the Jose Ma Ybarbo Survey, Abstract # 740 and the Milam County School Land Survey, Upper League, Abstract # 348. The property is located on W. Hwy 377, approximately 1,500 feet east of Coke Ct. 14. Z-2018-12, Request of Grady Wright to rezone a 0.169 acre portion of Lot 4, Block 85, Barton Addition from Single Family Residential, 12,000 (R-12) to Single Family Residential, 7,000 (R-7). The property is addressed as 236 Cogdell St. 15. PL-2018-31, Request of Grady Wright to Replat a portion of Block 85 of the Barton Addition as Lots 4-R and 5-R, Block 85 of the Barton Addition. The property is located on Cogdell St., between Thorp Springs Rd. and Menefee St. 16. PL-2018-32, Request of Carmen Commercial to Preliminary Plat a 4.445 acre tract of the Robert Merritt Survey, Abstract # 355 as Lots 1-2, Block 1 of the Carmen Commercial Addition. The property is located South of E. Hwy. 377 and west of Nichols Ct. 17. Z-2018-13, Request of Gary Couch to rezone 5.772 acres described as Tract A, Lot 3, Marcus Smith Survey, Abstract #504 from Light Commercial District (LC) to Planned Development with a base district of Multi-Family (PD-MF). The property is located in the 1500 block of Crawford Avenue. 18. PL-2018-33, Request of Gary Couch to Replat 5.772 acres described as Tract A, Lot 3, Marcus Smith Survey Abstract #504 into Tract A, Lots 3R1 and 3R2, Marcus Smith Survey Abstract #504. The property is located in the 1500 block of Crawford Avenue. 19. SUP-2018-16, Request of Alicyn Miller with Coven Crafted Ink to renew a Specific Use Permit to allow the operation of a tattoo parlor/body piercing studio in a Light Commercial District. The property is located at 1368 E. Hwy 377. 20. O-2018-06, Request of the City of Granbury to amend Ordinance# 09-360, amended by Ordinance# 18-51, Section 3.10.E to clarify and add requirements pertaining to storm drainage facilities. For more information, contact Community Development at 817-573-1114, Granbury City Hall, 116 West Bridge St., Granbury, Texas.

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