Notice of Public Sale of property to satisfy landlord's lien. The sale is scheduled at 10:00 AM, Saturday, 5-12-18 at Acton Discount Storage, 2890 Fall Creek Hwy, in Acton. The telephone number is 817-326-3435. The property will be sold to the highest bidder for cash, check, or money order. Immediate removal of purchased items, and unit clean up required. Seller reserves the right to withdraw the property to be sold from the general sale.
The property to be sold:
Melissa Sutherland, 10x10, grandfather clock, portable ac, medium-sized refrigerator, dining room table, end table, chair, misc. files.
Lusrea J Watson, 5x10, nightstand, dishes, table, bedframe, mattress.
Jeremy Patterson, 10x15, Multiple/numerous tools (power), supplies, and equip. for carpentry, and masonry jobs, refrigerator, numerous ladders, speaker?, power cords
Kris C McKitrick, 5x10, Futon Cushions?, chest of drawers, plastic boxes, large wooden Tex. Tech "T"?